Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужном времени. 1. we (not to take) a vacation next month. 2. mary often (to speak) to her friends about music. 3. i (to live) near the metro station 3 years ago. 4. his brother (to work) as a manager? 5. the students (to translate) this text the day after tomorrow

lebedko2004 lebedko2004    3   18.08.2019 05:20    1

Rikrbrujrh Rikrbrujrh  05.10.2020 02:16
1) we will not(won't) take a vacation next month
2)mary often speaks to her friends about music
3) i lived
4) his brother works as a manager?
5) the students will translate this text
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