Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.( Обращайте внимание на знак вопроса в конце предложений) .Указать время . 1) They ( write ) letters now.
2) Ann ( swiw) with her friends last summer ?
3) We ( help ) already mother about the house.
4) A boy ( not read) books this winter.
5) Tom usally( not live ) in a big house .
6) Tom ( send ) letters and postcards yesterday?
7) He (not eat) mango now
8) You (be) in Moscow this yaer?​

okolota05 okolota05    2   09.06.2020 13:27    0

Sonyamay Sonyamay  15.10.2020 13:41

1.They are writing letters now.(present continious/progressive)

2.Did Ann swim with her friends last summer?(past simple)

3.We have already helped our mother about the house(Present Perfect)

4. A boy is not reading books this winter (Present Continious/progressive)

5.Tom doesn't usually live in a big house (Present Simple)

6.Did Tom send letters and postcards yesterday? (Past simple)

7.He is not eating a mango now (Present continious/progressive)

8 Will you be in Moscow this year? (Future Simple)

Anastasiya922 Anastasiya922  15.10.2020 13:41

They are writing letters now

Did Ann swim with her friends last summer ?

We have already helped mother about the house.

A boy haven't read books this winter.

Tom usually don't live in a big house.

Did Tom send letters and postcards yesterday?

He isn't eating mango now

Have you been in Moscow this year?

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