Поставьте глагол в нужную временную форму, укажите грамматическое время:
1) My friend’s name (to be) Vladimir.
2) Last year he (to leave) school.
3) In the evenings we (to construct) our radio-sets.
4) My family (to live) in Moscow next year.
5) My sister (to study) at the university two years ago.
6) A policeman already (to finish) his work. A policeman already finished his work.
7) I (to finish) my composition by the end of May.
8) –What you(to do)? –I (to cook) fish!

zaaz123 zaaz123    2   13.02.2020 22:06    7

rom20081sdf rom20081sdf  11.09.2020 18:18

1 is

2 left

3 construct

4 will live

5 studied

6 A policeman has already finished

7 had finished

8 What are you doing? I'm cooking fish

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