Поставте артикль a (an), the перед существительным, где нужно. 1. Pete has … small family. He has … father and … mother. He has no … brother, but he has … sister. His sister is … good girl.

2. I have … many Russian books, but I have no … English books.

3. There is … writing desk in … room. … writ­ing desk is large. There is … lamp on … writing desk.

4. My uncle has … large family. They are six in his… family. … family is big.

5. My father is … engineer. He works in … big factory. … factory is near his … house.

6. We have … good library. We keep books in … big bookcase. … bookcase has three … shelves.

Элайза2004 Элайза2004    2   22.03.2021 05:34    11

innalemesh1 innalemesh1  21.04.2021 05:37

1 a small family, a father, a mother, no-brother, a sister,a good girl

2 -many Russian books, no-English books

3 a writing desk in the room, the writing desk, a lamp on the writing desk

4 a large family, his-family, the family

5 an engineer, a big factory, his house

6 a good library, a big bookcase, the bookcase has three -shelves


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