Поставьте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям, пользуясь образцом.
пример: he plays (football/volleyball). – does he play football or volleyball?
1. she prefers (theatre/cinema).
2. they are fond of (pop/rock).
3. he can speak (english/french).
4. they were in (great britain/the usa).
5. my sister will be an (engineer/economist).
6. our sportsmen lost the game on (tuesday/wednesday).
7. the teacher invited the students to the (lecture/meeting).
8. the smiths had come by (eleven/twelve) o’clock.
9. the twins could (run/swim) very well.

переделайте предложения в разделительные вопросы.
1. we learn about news from tv programmes.
2. she sang to the jazz band.
3. a good party will change your mood.
4. we get new feelings and emotions when we travel.
5. we don’t study the night sky in rainy weather.
6. these things interest him.
7. this gallery was formed of small private collections.
8. he gave us some other examples.
9. they will buy some tickets for the new show.
10. it’s fine to rest after a week of work.
11. they won’t find this book in the library.
12. they have collected old musical instruments.

поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму:
1. mike listened to classical music when he was younger.
2. collecting old things has always been his hobby.
3. she looked for this writer at the college library.
4. drawing was his favourite occupation.
5. he plays the piano very well.
6. you will find professor briggs in room 9.
7. they were reading books on history.
8. she was sad after the talk.
9. my mother was fond of poems.
10. they will use photos instead of pictures.
11. jane prepares for classes in the hostel.

измените действительный залог на страдательный.
1. they sell furniture in this shop.
2. he put the fridge to the right of the cooker.
3. they will build a new block of flats near the market in three months.
4. people buy detached houses a long way from the centre.
5. she’ll keep her clothes in the wardrobe.
6. we painted the built-in closet light grey.
7. meg and sam invited their friends to the housewarming party.
8. the hostess offered him a glass of juice.

Лилиана2001256 Лилиана2001256    2   08.09.2019 01:16    84

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