поставлю ЗВЕЗДЫ ИЗ ТЕЛЕФОНА МАМЫ ПАПЫ БАБУШКИ ДЕДУШКИ нужно вставить или паст симпл или паст перфект 2. The farmer (harvest) the apples before he (take) them to his neighbour to make cider. 3. After it (stop) raining, the tennis match (can) start. 4. After George (swallow) his medicine, he (begin) to feel much better 5. Before he president, he (become) (work) as an actor. (jump) into the (unpack) 6. The tourists pool as soon as they their suitcases. 7. They they 8. He after he (sell) their flat before (move) to the Netherlands. (work) as a tourist agent (finish) school. (call) the police, he (call) the ambulance. (leave) the cinema as