Поставить в present simple,future simple,past simple 1)наша фирма ведет торговлю со многими странами мира 2)он продает разное оборудование 3)директор нашей фирмы заключит контракт завтра 4)мы оговорили условия оплаты доставки на неделе 5)у нас есть новые каталоги и прейскуранты

Бекзат2000 Бекзат2000    3   04.09.2019 19:50    1

УмнаяДебилка УмнаяДебилка  06.10.2020 17:47
Our firm has trade business with a lot of countries in the world - present simple

our firm will have trade business with a lot of countries in the world - future simple

our firm had trade business with a lot of countries in the world - past simple

he sells different equipment - present simple

he will sell different equipment - future simple
he sold different equipment - past simple

Our firm boss will make an agreement tomorrow - future simple
Our firm boss makes an agreement - present simple
Our firm boss made an agreement yesterday - past simple

Last week we discussed the conditions of the delivery pay - past simple
next week we will discuss the conditions of the delivery pay - future simple
we discuss the conditions of the delivery pay - present simple

we have new catalogues and price lists - present simple

we will have new catalogues and price lists - future simple
we had new catalogues and price lists - past simple
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