Поставить в past simple
1. I meet Tim at 5. 2. We play chess all day long. 3. The children go to the park. 4. I don't agree with you. 5. The carries a heavy schoolbag. 6. Bob studies Spanish. 7. The secretary gives him a message. 8. We buy goods in this shop.9. They want to help us. 10. She watches TV before lunch.11. Louise gets up at 7 o'clock. 12. Father paints well. 13. Do you eat meat? 14. She likes black coffee. 15. Ann does not go to school. 16. He calls you twice a week. 17. Paul studies in the evenings. 18. The train leaves at 3. 19. Does your dog like cats? 20. A little boy wants an ice-cream.поставить в past simple

Dashulechka123456 Dashulechka123456    1   12.04.2020 17:17    2

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