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Andrey put a cake in the lunch box.
Vitaly thought about the prize.
I saw a chimp in the garden.
He went to the zoo last month.
I had a great party two days ago.

Карейка0167 Карейка0167    2   12.05.2020 09:58    1

7sergeya 7sergeya  14.10.2020 14:01

Andrey doesn't Put a cake in the lunch box.

Vitaly doesn't thought about the price.

I don't saw a chimpin the garden.

He doesn't went to zoo Last month.

I don't had a gread party two days ago.


После мастоимения/подлежащего ставится do или does с частицей not.

Do ставится в 1ом и во 2ом лице, т.е. я, мы, ты, вы, они. *они относятся к do*

Does ставится в 3ем лице, т.е. он, она, оно.

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