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its a very unusual day today, because it ( to be ) so guiet at home. my mother and father ( to go) to my granny three hours ago. now i ( to do) my homework. sometimes it (to be ) very difficult , but i ( to like) to study . i ( to study ) english and russian. ten minutes ago i ( to look ) outsite. the boys ( to be) in the garden . boys usually ( to like ) to play football there.
now i can ( to see ) a young man. the man ( to stand) at the window. he (to smoke) a cigarette. two people ( to talk) to a postman. what they ( to talk) about ? i think, they ( to speak) about the letter. the postman ( to bring ) it an hour ago.

, ваша соня : 3

Ladinikit Ladinikit    1   08.09.2019 13:56    2

daniil0723 daniil0723  07.10.2020 01:01

Its a very unusual day today, because it 1. is so quiet at home. My mother and father 2. went to my Granny three hours ago. Now i 3. am doing my homework. Sometimes it 4. is very difficult , but i 5. like to study . I 6. study English and Russian. Ten minutes ago i 7. was looking/looked outside. The boys ( подойдет и are и were) in the garden . Boys usually 9. like to play football there.  

Now I can see a young man. The man is standing at the window. He is smoking a cigarette. Two people are talking to a postman. What are they talking about ? I think, they are speaking about the letter. The postman brought it an hour ago.


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