Поставить в нужную форму my( primary school was surrounded by a wall. many of the games we played were based along the wall. "what time is it, mr wolf? " was the( favourite. one person was "it". he or she had to answer the question "what time is it, mr wolf? " they could answer any time they liked, but when they reply was "twelwe o,clock. dinner time, "we all had to run for the wall. if anyone( , they became mr wolf, and the game continued. different schools had( own favourites. sadly, it seems that some of these games( 5-one 6-great 7-catch 8-they 9-disappear

тобик55555555 тобик55555555    3   13.07.2019 06:30    0

ilyaronaldo ilyaronaldo  03.10.2020 02:45
5) first 6) greatest. 7) catched 8) their 9)disappears
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