Поставить в нужном порядке. 1) good | a | of | educational | collection |cds | has | lucy. 2) i | for | hobby | this | need | and | needles | yarn. 3) david | fond | is | of | coins | collecting. 4) makes | happy | reading | me | and | to | music | listening.

Ольга25052000 Ольга25052000    2   11.06.2019 12:40    11

wehter83 wehter83  09.07.2020 13:18
1) Lucy has a good collection of educational CDs.
2) David is fond of coins collecting.
3) ниасилил :(
4) Listening to music and reading makes me happy.
kolomietslina kolomietslina  09.07.2020 13:18
Lucy has a good collection of educational CDs.
I need needles yarn for this hobby.
David is fond of coins collecting.
Reading and music listening makes happy to me.
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