Поставить предложения в вопросительную форму и дать ответ. 9)you have known his parents for many years. 10)both sisters had already left when i returned. 11)now machine has recently come from germany.

air7789 air7789    3   24.09.2019 12:50    1

fivmif fivmif  08.10.2020 15:13
9) Do you know his parents?
Yes, I have known them for many years

10) Did both sisters leave?
Yes, right when you returned

11) Where has machine come from recently?
From Germany
Мария12Мария12 Мария12Мария12  08.10.2020 15:13
9) Have you known his parents for many years? Yes, I have.
10) Had both sisters already left when I returned? No, they hadn't.
11) Has the new machine recently come from Germany? Yes, it has.
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