Поставить предложения в правильном порядке. ''buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.'' ''they opened the door.'' ''it's time to get up. we've got visitors later today.'' ''he put on his best blue shirt.'' mrs wilson made a big cake. не came to see his grandma and grandpa

AloysiuS AloysiuS    1   19.05.2019 19:00    0

Aseka09 Aseka09  12.06.2020 22:57
''it's time to get up. We've got visitors later today.''
''buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.''
mrs Wilson made a big cake.
''he put on his best blue shirt.''
'they opened the door.''
не came to see his grandma and  grandpa

Поставить предложения в правильном порядке. ''buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.'' ''th
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