Поставить предложения в актив present s.,pres.cont.,past s.,future s.,past cont.,fut.cont. 1)том и сем делают свое . 2)моя старшая сестра пишет доклад. 3)моя бабушка печет пирог.

никнэйм0 никнэйм0    1   27.08.2019 21:20    1

помагите71 помагите71  05.10.2020 23:26
Pr.S - Tom and Sam do their homework. My elder sister writes the report. My grandmother bakes the pie. 
Pr.C - Tom and Sam are doing their homework. My elder sister is writing the report. My grandmother is baking the pie.

P.S - Tom and Sam did their homework. My elder sister wrote the report. My grandmother baked the pie. 
P.C - Tom and Sam were doing their homework. My elder sister were writing the report. My grandmother were baking the pie.

F.S - Tom and Sam will do their homework. My elder sister will write the report. My grandmother will bake the pie. 
F.C - Tom and Sam will be doing their homework. My elder sister will be writing the report. My grandmother will be baking the pie. 
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