Поставить правильно. pixar films are computer animated. the art and science of computer animation ( constantly changing. ( time a new film is made, the digital bag of tricks has a new tool in it. docter says that making the balloons look believable was the biggest challenge. “we had to figure out ( would happen as the balloons bumped into each other”, docter says. “we had a computer program to make those movements happen”, ( that each one didn’t have to be drawn individually. the team had fun researching the film. they rode in a hot-air balloon. they visited south america, where carl goes, to be sure the landscape was drawn accurately. “that was amazing”, docter says. read the text above. fill in each gap with the word which best fits each space (1-4). 2. (1 ) possible words for (1): 1) am 2) is 3) are 4) being 3. (1 ) possible words for (2): 1) every 2) some 3) one 4) all 4. (1 ) possible words for (3): 1) how 2) which 3) what 4) whose 5. (1 ) possible words for (4): 1) if 2) so 3) and 4) or

dasha1970 dasha1970    2   17.07.2019 20:00    3

Neralyda Neralyda  21.09.2020 19:57
2. 3) are 3. 1) every 4. 3) what 5. 2) so
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