Поставить к предложениям 5 типов вопросов: 1) The students study English.
2) Nora skates in the park.

человек416 человек416    3   10.12.2020 20:29    3

katyatop12 katyatop12  09.01.2021 20:30

1)The students study English

1.Who is studying English ?

2.What language do students study?

3.What do students do?

4.Are students learning English?

5.Do students know English or study it?

2)Nora skates in the park

1.Who skates in the park?

2.What's Nora doing in the Park?

3.Where does Nora skate?

4.Does Nora skate in the Park?

5.Does Nora skate in the Park or ride a bike?

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