Поставить глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. заранее : 3 1.how many exercises you (do) since you started your homework? 2.mrs izard (write) this book since her husband died. 3.you (know) this man? how long you (know) him? 4. we already (talk) about it for a week. it's time to do something! 5.they (talk) for two hours and (not finish) yet. 6. mr dix is busy. how long he (be) busy? 7.caroline (think) about mark since he left. 8.how long you (have) this hat? i (have) it for year. 9.i (not see) your dog lately. what (happen)?

женя1373 женя1373    3   18.03.2019 20:20    4

senyaragimovoy1awn senyaragimovoy1awn  26.05.2020 00:55

1. How many exercises have you done since you started your homework?

2. Mrs Izard has written this book since her husband died?

3. Do you know this man? How long do you know him?

4. We have already talked...

5. They are talking for two hours and haven't finished yet.

6. How long will he be busy?

9. haven't seen   /  What's happened?

7. thinks

 Извини, 8-е не могу решить.


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