Поставить глаголы в Пассивном залоге, в правильном времени - Present Simple PASSIVE Past Simple Passive Future Simple PASSIVE

1. Last year, over $40 million on computers . (SPEND)
2. The car by the police. (STOP)
3. Breakfast at this hotel tomorrow from 7 to 9 a.m. (SERVE)
4. A few hours after the robbery, the thief by the police (CAPTURE)
5. In the past, many types of medicine by accident. (DISCOVER)
6. This type of food can as a starter or as a main dish (EAT)
7. The new stadium next Tuesday (OPEN)

chizhvlad2003p017q2 chizhvlad2003p017q2    1   11.05.2020 20:43    28

Dyba Dyba  14.10.2020 13:33


1. was spent

2. was stopped

3. will be served

4. was captured

5. were discovered

6. be eaten

7. will be opened

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