Поставить глаголы в нужную временную форму. it cold and rainy last sunday(to be). the cinema every weekend(to go). where is pam? -(to cook). where parents usually holidays? (to spend). and the river now? (to swim). granny yesterday? (to visit)

zagariyolga068 zagariyolga068    2   08.07.2019 02:10    1

kloodinvulf3451 kloodinvulf3451  31.07.2020 07:17
 It was cold and rainy last Sunday. Mary goes to the cinema every weekend. Where isPam? -She is cooking pizza. Where do your parents usually spend their holidays?Are Tom and Ben swimming in the river now? Did Kate visit her Granny yesterday?
mskamilee mskamilee  31.07.2020 07:17
Pam? -she is cooking pizza. Where do your parents usually spend their holidays? Are Tom and Ben swimming in the river now? Did Kate visit her granny yesterday?
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