Поставить глагол в нужную форму, герундий или инфинитив i don't know what 1) (do) at the weekend. i fancy….. 2) (go) to the cinema, but none of my friends enjoy 3)…. (watch) films very much. 2 paul had his driving test today. he tried 1) …/make) any mistakes, but he failed. he expects 2) (pass) the test the next time he takes it. 3 tom often goes 1) (walk) at the weekends. he doesn't like 2)…… (take) anyone with him because he prefers 3)….. (be) alone while he walks. 4 we had better 1) (hurry) home tonight because our parents have promised 2) (take) us out for dinner. i don't know why they want…. 3) (eat) out, but we must 4)….. (arrive) home on time. 5 james is rich and can afford 1) …(buy)expensive things. he is always willing 2)………) money to people who need it, because he enjoys 3) (help) others. 6 my parents let me 1) …… (stay) at my friend's house last weekend. they agreed ……2) (take) me in the car and they made me 3)….. (promise) to behave myself. it was a great weekend!

sarinaddnk238 sarinaddnk238    2   24.09.2019 20:20    81

karina694 karina694  21.08.2020 15:00
1)to do 2)going 3)watching
1)not to make 2)to pass
1)to walk 2)taking 3)being
1)hurry 2)to take 3)to eat 4)arrive
1)to buy 2)to lend 3)helping
1)stay 2)to take 3)promise
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