Поставь перед словом артикли a-an, mother, bag,ice-cream,flowers,sugar,orange,teacher,sandwiches,frog,cake, cars, insect,sofa,appie,milk,doctor,magazines,gift,trousers. вставь в тексте артикли a/an,the, если это необходимо. my name is daniel. i live in small beautiful town. i have big family: mother, father, two little sisters and brother. my family lives big 2-storey house. house is very comfortable. we have nice garden. garden is fantastic! there is apple tree in the middle of garden. also we have old oak(дуб). sisters like running around it. our family loves our home!

somov101 somov101    2   21.07.2019 23:30    0

SophiakoSheleva5666 SophiakoSheleva5666  07.09.2020 18:22
Артикль a используется перед словами, которые начинаются с согласного звука, а артикль an — с гласного.
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