Посмотрите на картинку и опишите, что вы видите на картинке? LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND DESCRIBE

What do you see in the picture?
What season is it?
Do you know this street?
What's the name of it?
Have you ever been there?
What can you see/visit there?​

Посмотрите на картинку и опишите, что вы видите на картинке? LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND DESCRIBEWhat do

маша3041 маша3041    1   26.10.2020 23:19    2

alexfuerte07 alexfuerte07  12.02.2021 14:17

1.I see in the picture a spacious pedestrian street

2.by the way the people in the picture are dressed, it looks like it is either the end of autumn or the beginning of spring

3.no, I don’t know this street


5.no, I haven't been there

6.I see various shops and many people


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