Последнее, три фактора об 1)французский был официальным языком в течение 300 лет, с 1066 по 1362. д.к. роулинг, автор книг о гарри поттере, родилась в . 2) частные школы в - редки и дороги (13500 фунтов в год). а обычные школы (бесплатные) называются городские школы. 3) считается ,что футбол зародился в . современный футбол возник в в 1863 году, когда были приняты правила игры в футбол.футбол — национальный спорт в . он играет большую роль в культуре

elenatolmachev elenatolmachev    1   25.06.2019 19:00    2

beka1098 beka1098  02.10.2020 11:33
Three facts about England.
1) French had been the official language of England for 300 years, from 1066 to 1362. J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, was born in England. 2) Private schools in England - a very rare and expensive (13,500 pounds per year). And ordinary (free) schools are called state schools.
3) It is believed that football originated in England. Modern football originated in England in 1863, when the rules of the game were acceptedl. Footbol is a national sport in England. It plays an important role in English culture.
lanovoimaxoxpw94 lanovoimaxoxpw94  02.10.2020 11:33
Three interesting facts about England.
1. French was the official language of England for about 300 years, from 1066 till 1362. The writer of fantasy novels called Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling, who was born in England.
2. Public schools in England are in fact very exclusive and expensive (£13,500 per year) private schools. Ordinary schools (which are free), are called state schools.
3. It is believed that football was invented in England. Modern football was invented in England in 1863, when the rules of the game were taken. Football is the national sport in England. It has an important role in English culture.
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