Помните Вставьте артикли там, где необходимо) 1. Queen Victoria was Queen of England for years.
2. Mr.Smith lives in the USA
3. Last Sunday Turners were in the theatre.
4. prince Edward marriedPrincess Alexandra.
5. aunt Jane and uncle John are at our home now.
6. Elizabeth is Queen of England.
7. In 1019 YaroslavWise granted Novgorod independence from Kiev.помгите очень надо ​

Cosb Cosb    1   13.11.2020 08:26    25

39OVERLORD39 39OVERLORD39  13.12.2020 13:43

Queen Victoria was __the_ Queen of England for 63 years, which is longer than any other British monarch (1837-1901). She married ___ Prince Albert and they had nine children. Their children married into royal familias all over Europe. ___ Prince Albert Edward, who later became __the_ King of England, married ___ Princess Alexandra of Denmark. ___ Prince Alfred married ___ Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia. ___ Queen Victoria as often called "__the_ grandmother of Europe".


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