Поместите глаголы в скобки в правильной форме. 1. nick … (fly) his kite while dan… (eat) a sandwich. 2. i promise i (not/be) late. 3. rick isn’t here. he … (go) shopping. 4. ken … (look) very stressed. yes. he … (study) a lot these days. 5. she … (call) an hour ago. 6. if people … (invent) new fuel, cars … (not/pollute) the air. 7. why … (you/be) in such a hurry? i am worried. my exam … (start) in ten minutes. 8. … (you ever/see) this film? 9. he … (work) here for over ten years. 10. if he …(have) a lot of money, he … (buy) a computer.

Milena0011 Milena0011    2   25.09.2019 16:10    29

фокс36 фокс36  08.10.2020 18:51
1. was flying, was eating 2.won't be 3.is going 4.looks, studies 5.called 6.invent, won't pollute 7.are you, starts 8.Have you seen 9. has worked 10. has, will buy
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