Поместите глаголы в скобках в правильное пассивное время broadway show in history, breaking the record which hold) by cats. it ) on the novel by the french novelist gaston leroux. it ) by andrew lloyd webber in 1986. the phantom of the opera ) into several languages. it ) in more than twenty countries and /see) by more than 53 million people around the world! the ) by maria bjornson. a film version of the phantom of the opera ) by warner bros in december 2004. the show /remember) for its beautiful songs, great orchestrations, nice mixture of drama and light comedy, as well as for its stunning sets. the phantom of the opera is a musical that /see) by everyone

vovasherbak2003 vovasherbak2003    2   18.05.2019 12:20    1

Саша20041509 Саша20041509  11.06.2020 18:45

1) was held

2) was based

3) was composed

4) was translated

5) was shown

6) was also seen

7) were designed

8) was released

9) was always remembered (не уверен)

10) ?

drr2 drr2  11.06.2020 18:45

1) was held

2) was based

3) was composed

4) was translated

5) was shown

6) was also seen

7) were designed

8) was released

9) was always remembered (не уверена)

10) ?

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