Поirthday,irtмогите ! сделать на языке future indefinite. make up sentences from the words. 1. shall, answer, tomorrow, i,question, your. 2.in a year, mark, join,will,the army. 3. shan't, his birthday,next week,we,celebrate. 4.collect,in,many coins,jill,will,several years. 5.tomorrow,they,sweep,will,the fioor,morning. 6.will,tomorrow,arrive,his,in,friends,washington. 7.coffee,in,minutes,she,will,make,several.

Shatunova1976 Shatunova1976    2   07.06.2019 01:10    15

ladygum78 ladygum78  06.07.2020 22:57
1)shall I answer your question tomorrow
2)mark will join the army in a year
3)we shan't (?) celebrate his birthday next week
4)Jill will collect many coins in several years
5)they will sweep the fire tomorrow morning
6)his friend will arrive in washington tomorrow
7)she will make coffee in several minutes
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