1 I have stopped … (read) the Daily Sketch and have decided … (read) the Daily Mirror instead. 2 Do you enjoy … (look) at these strip cartoons? 3 Try … (solve) the puzzle in yesterday’s paper without … (look) at the answers in today’s paper. 4 Do you remember … (see) an advertisement for the new Ford cars in yesterday’s paper? 5 Did you remember … (buy) a copy of the Star on your way home? 6 I saw a man … (stand) at the street corner … (sell) newspapers. 7 Please let me … (help) you … (solve) that puzzle.
8 These cinema advertisements do not make me … (want) … (see) the fi lms. 9 Would you like … (see) them? 10 Megan used … (think) that a library was a place where books were … (buy) and … (sell); now she knows that a library is a place for … (lend) and … (borrow) books. N

dakuevasaida dakuevasaida    2   24.05.2020 13:34    10

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