Подставьте нужную форму местоимения и переведите предложения. 1. john is a teacher but (его) sister is a lawyer. 2. will you take (нас) and (наших) students to (твою) new school, please? 3. we often work in the library with (ними). 4. they never think about other people. they only think about (себе). 5. i am glad to study with (тобой). 6. they always see (её) in the language laboratory. 7. it’s (их) problem, not (наша). 8. the language laboratory helps (мне) to study a foreign language. 9. do you often write (ей) letters? (её) letters are interesting. 10. (ты) know how to do this work. do it (сам). 2 употребите глаголы в скобках в нужной видовременной форме. переведите предложения на язык. 1. we (to translate) the article by the end of the last lesson. 2. i (to like) hockey when i was a schoolboy. 3. when my parents came, i (to read) a newspaper. 4. our students (to pass) the exams successfully this month. 5. he is lucky. he (to be) to england and (to see) a lot there. 6. later dickens (to take) a job at a lawyer’s office and (to begin) to write articles for newspapers. 7. having left secondary school my brother (to serve) in the army for 2 years. 8. at present he (to study) at moscow university. 9. yesterday at 7 p.m. the students (to discuss) a very important problem. 10. they (to learn) the new words now. 8. выпишите инфинитивы, определите их функцию и переведите предложения. 1. our task is to translate that article by monday. 2. to expand old universities is much cheaper than to build new ones. 3. lomonosov was the first to formulate the law of conservation of matter. 4. at the last lesson our students were taught how to use taped programs. 5. the president has the power to name all federal judges. 9. употребите причастие i или ii, раскрыв скобки и переведите предложения. 1. the number of students (to take) part in scientific conferences grows every year. 2. the lecture (to deliver) by this professor was very interesting. 3. the article (to write) now is published in a judicial journal. 4. while (to explain) new grammar material the teacher gave some examples. 5. (to read) the text aloud the cadet made a lot of phonetic mistakes. 6. (to leave) our things at the hotel we went sightseeing. 7. he saw the books (to pack) carefully in cases. 8. the papers (to bring) by the secretary were laying on the table. 9. (to live) in the united states for two years he knew english quite well. 10. (to translate) into russian by our teacher, the book helped us. 10. задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова, данного в скобках. 1. my friend speaks english very well. (how well) 2. i studied history yesterday. (when) 3. he worked in militia two years ago. (where) 4. the students go to the institute every day. (how offten) 5. his brother served in the army 5 years ago. (who)

algebraigeometria1 algebraigeometria1    3   01.07.2019 23:00    1

vladasic vladasic  02.10.2020 18:06
their, ours
her, her
You, yourself
has been, has seen
took, began
has served
is studying
are learning
 переводчик в
8.to translate
to expand, to build
to formulate
to use
to name
 переводчик в
10.How well does your friend speak English?
When did u study history?
Where did he work two years ago?
How often do the students go to the Institute?
Who was serving in the Army 5 years ago?
Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык