Подскажите по . нужно задать специальные вопрос. по примеру
there is one sightseeing tour in tour packages because tourists ask for it.
what is there in our tour packages?
what kind of tour is there in our tour packages?
1. there is a new coaching tour in their travelogue. (what, what kind in whose)
2. there are ten foreign visitors in the office because they want to book a sightseeing tour right now. (what kind , how many, why)

lisa2051 lisa2051    2   23.01.2020 20:37    18

1234942 1234942  11.10.2020 02:51



1. There is a new coaching tour in their travelogue.  

What is there in their travelogue?

What kind of tour is there in their travelogue?

In whose travelogue is there a new coaching tour?  

2. There are ten foreign visitors in the office because they want to book a sightseeing tour right now.  

What kind of tour are those visitors what to book?

How many visitors are there in the office?

Why do those people want to book a sightseeing tour from our company?  

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык