Подскажите о чём можно написать в сочинение о росси на

ElenaAlrman2707 ElenaAlrman2707    3   10.07.2019 13:40    1

raya323 raya323  17.09.2020 12:53
I love Russia simply for the fact that I live in it. I was born and raised in Russia, and I think that should love their motherland for it. Russia has given me a lot right from my very birth. Besides Russia gives me a free public education that much important. In Russia, a lot of interesting and memorable places. For example the capital of our Russia - Moscow. In Moscow, a lot of dostoprimichatelnostey such as Kremlin, Red Square mausoleum, museum and many other interesting things.Also live in Russia many famous people, for whom we can be proud of. Even Russia is rich in beautiful open spaces, lush forests, vast fields and many other natural wonders. I love Russia for what she gave me the right to life and gives to admire all the beauties of our nature.
Настя15022000 Настя15022000  17.09.2020 12:53
I love Russia. Russia is beauteful 
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