Подобрать 5 типов вопросов : he went to the park.

VasyaHrenov VasyaHrenov    2   11.06.2019 08:40    2

Zen201 Zen201  09.07.2020 11:25
1.       He went to the park, didn`t he? – разделительный вопрос
2.       Did he go to the park? - общий
3.       Did he go to the park or to the cinema? - альтернативный
4.       Where did he go? – специальный
5.       Who went to the park? – вопрос к подлежащему
BunraccoonXD BunraccoonXD  09.07.2020 11:25

Why did he go to the park?

When did he go to the park?

With whom did he go to the park?

In which park did he go?

What for did he go to the park?

Where is this park?

Did he go to the park by bycicle?

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