подчеркнуть все инфинитивы и конструкции с инфинитивом, с указанием их функций. Underline all the infinitives and constructions with the infinitive,
stating their functions.
For example: He went to buy some bread-
adverbial modifier of purpose
to the verb went. It is difficult for me to do it-
complex subject expressed by an infinitival construction introduced by for.
1. I intend to start immediately.
2. To descend was extremely difficult.
3. You must do this work properly.
4. I wanted to call but I had no time to.
5. The sailors felt the waves dash over them.
6. She gave him the letters to mail at once at the next box.
7. We sent a boat for them to come to the shore.

zulya1072 zulya1072    2   06.04.2022 05:48    4

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