(подчеркнуть верный ответ) =) underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence. 1 this package delivered/was delivered this morning. 2 you’re going the wrong way. you’d better/you might go back to the main square and ask. 3 if i know/knew the answer, i’d tell you. 4 i said/told angela that i’d give her a call tonight. 5 let’s hurry up! if we arrive early, we’ll get/we’d get a good seat. 6 you were able to/would have been able to use the computer if you had had the password. 7 the finance minister said that he doesn’t increase/wouldn’t increase taxes next year. 8 it was been/has been a really lovely day! 9 i asked/told natasha if she knew anywhere to get a sandwich at lunchtime. 10 if we’d caught/we caught a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train. 11 i wish it isn’t/wasn’t so cold. 12 sacha must have left/can’t have left the office. his computer is turned off. 13 my parents are having their house redecorating/redecorated next week. 14 i asked him where he was going/would be going, and he said to the library.

очочов очочов    2   29.06.2019 18:40    0

alinaetosila2004 alinaetosila2004  02.10.2020 15:26
1 was delivered 
2 You’d better
3 knew
4 told
5 we’ll get
6 /would have been able
7 wouldn’t increase
8 has been
9 asked
10 we’d caught
11 wasn’t
12 must have left
13 redecorated
14 he was going
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