Подчеркнуть сказуемое и определить его залог. 2) dogs are close relatives to wolves. 3) the london zoo was established in 1828. 4) dolphins are sociable creatures 5) many kinds of exotic animals can be found in australia today 6) deserts cover about one seventh of the earth,s land area 7) cats have aiways been surrounded by superstitions 8) senses are natural abilities that most people have

Ann1122331 Ann1122331    2   19.08.2019 11:50    0

iralisovets iralisovets  20.08.2020 11:55
2 are (active)
3 was establishes (passive)
4 are (active)
5 can  be found (passive)
6 cover (active)
7 have been surrounded (passive)
8 are (active) have (active)
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