Подчеркните в следующих предложениях Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола/сказуемого.
1. He was sitting in the library reading a book.
2. Goldsmiths College is an established university specializing in the study of creative, cultural and social processes.
3. Mature students are entering higher education in greater numbers.
4. If required free legal advice is provided by the Students’ Union.
5. The library has built a collection of books related to various fields of study.

rishanaHD rishanaHD    3   20.04.2020 01:58    0

mrchernuczky698 mrchernuczky698  13.10.2020 12:06

1. sitting( p 1, глагол) reading(p1 обстоятельство)

2.established ( p 2, определение) specializing( p1, обст.)

3. entering (p1, глагол)

4 required ( p 2, опр.) provided ( p2, глагол)

5. built (p2, глагол) related (p2, обст.)

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