Подчеркните в каждом предложении Participle I. Определите функцию Participle I.
1. Describe the experiment illustrating three forces in equilibrium. 2. Michael Faraday, English
experimental physicist, in his early life worked as a bookbinder's apprentice (ученик) earning his living.
3. Taking time from his work to read some of the books passing through his hands, Faraday became
interested in science. 4. He went into the office leaving the door open. 5. Men working with machines,
motors, electrical materials must be careful. 6. Reading an article in an English journal he used a
dictionary. 7. Repeating his experiment he noticed an interesting regularity. 8. Lomonosov entered the
Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy concealing his peasant origin. 9. Observing in 1761 the rare phenomenon
of passage of the planet Venus over the visible disc of the Sun, Lomonosov discovered that Venus had an
atmosphere. 10. Arranging all the elements according to their atomic weights, D. I. Mendeleyev found
that identical properties of the elements repeat themselves periodically. 11. Rontgen called a new kind of
rays X-rays, the letter X meaning an unknown.

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