). подчеркните причастия, определите их форму и функции в предложении. переведите на язык 1. the man playing the piano is my uncle. 2. looking out of the window, she saw her mother watering the flowers. 3. the books written by dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19 – th century england. 4. having written out all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily. 5. being translated by a good specialist, the novel preserved all the sparkling humour of the original. 6. having been shown the way i could find his house easily.

fsb001 fsb001    3   06.06.2019 11:10    2

nikita140982ee nikita140982ee  06.07.2020 16:17
1 playing -to play играющий
2  looking to look смотря , watering- to water поливающая
3 written to write написанные
4 Having written to write выписав
5 being trunslating to be будучи написанным
6 Having been shown to show показанный ( путь)
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