Подчеркните причастия 1 и 2 . определите их форму и функцию в предложении . 1. i saw a girl standing at the window. 2. the girl was standing at the window. 3. she answered my questions standing at the window. 4. this chair is broken. 5. a written letter is left on the table. 6. she has read all the books written by dickens 7. i don't use a dictionary reading an english book. 8. we must be careful when crossing the street.

Мялан Мялан    3   22.09.2019 02:40    1

MrThomasFeed MrThomasFeed  08.10.2020 08:42
1. standing - причастие времени, Participle || Я видел девушку, стоящую у окна. 2. standing - причастие настоящего времени, Participle |. Девушка, стоящая у окна.
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