Почему стал мировым языком“ответ на “

klimenkovlad598 klimenkovlad598    1   12.06.2019 12:10    3

danilpostnyh danilpostnyh  09.07.2020 23:28
In the 2nd world war the European countries fought among themselves, and the US sold them weapons, etc. and shamelessly profited from this. (Similarly, on a smaller scale bombing of Yugoslavia in the late 90 H. ) And of course, when Americans were displaced by the whole world - has established a "new order", which is convenient for him. Themselves are no languages are not taught, the time "nonsense" don't spend engaged in the business. And the rest have to spend a lot of time, effort and money on learning English to make it easier to administer Large Master. And that itself
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