По ! откройте скобки, употребив глагол в present continuous или present simple. 1. mike (to get) up at six o'clock every day. 2. listen! the girl (to sing) 3. where is mum? - she (to cook) 4. we usually (to play) football at stadium. 5. she (to visit) her granny every week. 6. they (to watch) a detective film now. 2. поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму: 1. the boy is running in the street. 2. i am making my bed at the moment. 3.we are working in the garden. 4. my friend is sitting at the table. 5. you are reading an interesting book. , заранее

mishel7884 mishel7884    1   19.06.2019 05:10    0

bozhkosofia bozhkosofia  15.07.2020 15:17
Sining, cooking, playing, visited, watching.
The boy is don't raning in the street. I am don't made my. Were dont walking.My friend don't sitting at the table.You are don't reading.
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