По ) give english equivalents for the following words: двухэтажный удобный, любимый, чистый, читальный зал, столовая, лаборатория, спортивный зал, перемена, предмет, расписание, подоконник, составлять, разговаривать

yopof195Pro yopof195Pro    2   11.09.2019 14:40    46

qwexxw qwexxw  10.09.2020 01:48
reading hall
dining room
zanna74 zanna74  23.01.2024 04:21
Certainly! Here are the English equivalents for the given words:

1. двухэтажный - two-story/multi-story
Explanation: двухэтажный refers to a building or house that has two levels or floors.

2. удобный - comfortable/convenient
Explanation: удобный is used to describe something that is comfortable or convenient to use.

3. любимый - favorite
Explanation: любимый means something or someone that is loved or favored.

4. чистый - clean
Explanation: чистый is used to describe something that is free from dirt, dust, or impurities.

5. читальный зал - reading room
Explanation: читальный зал refers to a designated area in a library or educational institution where people can read books or study.

6. столовая - cafeteria
Explanation: столовая is a place where meals are served in a school or workplace.

7. лаборатория - laboratory
Explanation: лаборатория is a facility equipped for scientific research, experiments, or testing.

8. спортивный зал - gymnasium
Explanation: спортивный зал is a space where physical education classes, sports activities, or exercises take place.

9. перемена - break/recess
Explanation: перемена refers to the designated time interval during the school day when students can take a break from their lessons.

10. предмет - subject
Explanation: предмет is used to refer to a specific area of study or a course taught in school.

11. расписание - timetable/schedule
Explanation: расписание is a plan or schedule that indicates the specific times and dates of various activities or events.

12. подоконник - windowsill
Explanation: подоконник is a flat horizontal surface or ledge below a window.

13. составлять - compose
Explanation: составлять means to create or put together something, such as a piece of writing or a list.

14. разговаривать - speak/talk
Explanation: разговаривать means to communicate or have a conversation with someone using spoken words.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
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