по Английскому языку Задание 1
Раскройте скобки в Present Perfect.
1. My aunt (travel) to Sochi this year.
2. He already (collect) all stamps.
3. The doctor and her patient (to talk).
4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad.

Задание 2
Переведите предложения в Present Perfect.
1) Недавно мой двоюродный брат ездил в Лондон.
2) Она никогда не писала письма своему мужу.
3) Мы не видели своих друзей сто лет.
4) Вы когда – либо были в Москве?
5) Они только что приготовили обед.
6) На этой неделе он читал интересную книгу.

olgafedotova2017 olgafedotova2017    1   24.04.2020 15:55    1

helphelhelphelplease helphelhelphelplease  28.08.2020 12:28


1) Recently, my cousin went to London.

2) She never wrote letters to her husband.

3) We have not seen our friends for a hundred years.

4) Have you ever been to Moscow?

5) They just made dinner.

6) This week he read an interesting book.


Antistar Antistar  28.08.2020 12:28

1)My aunt has traveled

2)He already has collected

3)The doctor and her patient has talked

4)We have cooked dinner.My mother has made a salad.

2)1)recently my cousin has traveled to london

2)She has never written letters to her husband

3)We have not seen our friends for a hundred years

4)Have you ever been to Moscow?

5)they just have cooked dinner

6)He has read an interesting book this week.

как-то так

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