по английскому Task 3. Underline the two words that are appropriate in each sentence. a) Harry has a good salary. He gains/gets/makes over £20,000 a year. b) Mary was awarded a grant/scholarship/subsidy to study child psychology. c) How much did you give/pay/take for your new car? d) Their house fetched/produced/sold for a lot more than they expected. e) I'm going to the bank to get out/remove/withdraw the money for the rent. f) The manager disappeared with the receipts/takings/wages from the concert. g) By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate/prosperous/wealthy businesswoman. h) We had a good holiday but it was rather costly/expensive/valuable. i) Unfortunately the old painting I found turned out to be priceless/valueless/worthless. j) We would appreciate it if you would close/settle/pay your bill as soon as possible. Task 4. Complete the fixed phrases in each space by choosing a word from the box which collocates with the words in bold. credit market redundant value charge fortune investment booming retirement bankrupt Have your shares just fallen in (1) and you don't know what to do? Or have you come into a (2) and don't know how to invest it? Well, whether you've been made (3) or qualified for early (4) whether your business is (5) or you've just been declared (6) we are the bank for you, the caring bank. We've got the account for you and can advise you accordingly. Come over to us and you will be making a wise (7) We offer some of the most competitive loans and mortgages on the (8) Provided you maintain your account in (9) and at a minimum level of £500, we will offer you financial advice completely free of (10) whenever you request it. Can't be bad, can it

лика03481 лика03481    1   14.09.2020 09:50    44

karnastia karnastia  25.01.2024 11:06
a) Harry makes over £20,000 a year.

Explanation: In this sentence, "makes" is the most appropriate word because it means that Harry earns or receives a salary of over £20,000 a year.

b) Mary was awarded a scholarship to study child psychology.

Explanation: In this sentence, "scholarship" is the most appropriate word because it refers to a financial aid or grant given to students to support their education.

c) How much did you pay for your new car?

Explanation: In this sentence, "pay" is the most appropriate word because it refers to the act of giving money in exchange for something.

d) Their house sold for a lot more than they expected.

Explanation: In this sentence, "sold" is the most appropriate word because it means that their house was bought by someone for a higher price than they anticipated.

e) I'm going to the bank to withdraw the money for the rent.

Explanation: In this sentence, "withdraw" is the most appropriate word because it means to take out or remove money from an account.

f) The manager disappeared with the takings from the concert.

Explanation: In this sentence, "takings" is the most appropriate word because it refers to the money collected from a particular event or activity.

g) By the time Kate retired she was a prosperous businesswoman.

Explanation: In this sentence, "prosperous" is the most appropriate word because it means successful and financially well-off.

h) We had a good holiday but it was rather expensive.

Explanation: In this sentence, "expensive" is the most appropriate word because it means costing a lot of money.

i) Unfortunately, the old painting I found turned out to be worthless.

Explanation: In this sentence, "worthless" is the most appropriate word because it means having no value or being of no use.

j) We would appreciate it if you would settle your bill as soon as possible.

Explanation: In this sentence, "settle" is the most appropriate word because it means to pay or resolve a debt or financial obligation.

Task 4:

1) credit
2) fortune
3) redundant
4) retirement
5) bankrupt
6) value
7) investment
8) market
9) credit
10) charge

Explanation: Each word in the box collocates with a specific word in the fixed phrases.

1) "credit market" refers to the market or industry that deals with the borrowing and lending of money.
2) "fortune" refers to a large sum of money or wealth.
3) "redundant" refers to being laid off or no longer needed in a job or position.
4) "retirement" refers to the act of leaving work permanently, usually at an older age.
5) "bankrupt" refers to the state of being unable to pay debts and having financial ruin.
6) "value" refers to the worth or importance of something.
7) "investment" refers to putting money or resources into something with the expectation of gaining profit or income.
8) "market" refers to the economic system in which goods and services are bought and sold.
9) "credit" refers to the ability to borrow money or the trustworthiness of a person's financial reputation.
10) "charge" refers to the cost or fee for a particular service or product.
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