по английскому очень Вставьте have (has) to, don’t (doesn’t) have to.

1) Painters organize other people’s work.

2) A farmer produce milk.

3) Drivers deliver newspapers.

4) A police officer keep law and order.

5) Secretaries study and explain laws.

5. Составьте во Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме.

1) I (do) my homework before I (go) to school.

2) Before we (eat), my mother (cook) food.

3) They (train) a lot before they (win) the championship.

4) Before Capitan Cook (go) to the Antarctic, he (be) to Australia.

5) Vivien Leigh (not act) in Hollywood films before she (start) to work there in 1939.

zakharovserg20 zakharovserg20    3   30.04.2020 20:16    13

ardolg ardolg  14.10.2020 05:25
4) 1. Don’t have to
2. Has to
3. Don’t have to
4. Has to
5. Don’t have to

5) 1. Who uses a computer?
2. Who is talking to the pupil?
3 What is Mr Green looking at?
4. What musical instrument does Mr Black use?
5. Who organizes the work in the office?

6) 1. Did, went
2. Ate, cooked
3. Trained, won
4. Went, was
5. Didn’t act, started
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