По a modem • a computer nerd • a disk • a mouse • cyberspace • a technophobé • a cyber buddy • the internet a) a person who doesn’t like modern machines, especially computers b) a computer system which allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information c) a piece of electronic equipment that allows information to be sent along telephone wires from one computer to another d) a friend who you only ever communicate with through computers e) a small object which you move with you hands to give instructions to a computer f) a flat piece of plastic you use for storing computer information g) the imaginary place where electronic messages, information pictures, etc. exist when they are sent from one computer to another h) someone whose life is dominated by computers

matveeva192016 matveeva192016    2   07.08.2019 18:50    0

tamilyamehtiev tamilyamehtiev  04.10.2020 03:30
A - technophobe
b - the Internet
c - a modem
d - a cyber buddy
e - a mouse
f - disk
g - cyberspase
h - a computer nerd
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