По (8класс умоляю вас, кто ответит вам огромное. : put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1.you~ll understand this rule after your ) to you 2 i ( room unless i see my brother. 3 if i( exams,my mother won`t let me go to a disco. 4 if ) well,he`ll always be tired. 5 if i were you,) up basketball. 6 if the ) great, we would have gone to the beach last weekend. 7 if you heat metal,) 8 if i had known her telephone number,) her. 9 if the new film were on, )it at the local cinema. 10 if our parents came to visit us, ) them out to a restaurant.

Айка1111116789 Айка1111116789    2   02.09.2019 01:00    0

fizik24 fizik24  06.10.2020 10:48
will leave
would take
will expand
would have called
would watch
would take
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