ПлзA.What is the best conclusion for the argument that begins, ''The order eight people in my class...?'' 1.who met the new principal like him, so I should too.
2. live in apartments on the south side of town, so I should live there too.
3. like meatballs,so I should too.
4. who studied Jorge's notes got D's, so I will get a D too.
B. You conducted a successful job search, and now have three offers from which to choose. What things can you do to most throughly investigate your potential employers? (Fill in all that apply)
1. check out their websites 2. research their financial situation 3. speak with people who work for them already 4. watch the news to see if the companies are mentioned.
C. Which one of the following is NOT an example of a persuasion technique?
1. Tigress jeans are available at your local Mega Mart store.
2. ''Vote for me, and I promise our schools will improve. My opponent just wants to cut the school budget!''
3. Our tires not only look better, but they ride better,too.
4. The very best mothers serve Longhorn Ghili-in-a-can.

olesyavod45 olesyavod45    1   30.03.2020 19:22    9

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