Please help me with my home work! I really need an answer please!
II) State whether the following sentences are simple, complex, compound or compound-complex

All the students laughed when the teacher cracked a joke.

Jane can be rude at times but she is a nice girl.

The girl sprinted after the tiger.

We met rather few people who spoke English.

I have been on rather too many planes and trains recently.

We drove right up to Helsinki in two days. I don’t care how expensive it is.

Kate doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn’t watch them.

Two minutes ago the child was fast asleep, but now he is wide awake.

He is not tall enough to be a soldier.

I guess she just doesn’t respect you.

I have got four sisters and each of them is quite different from the others.

You can either come with me now or walk home.

The dog started barking so the cat ran away and I couldn’t keep up, so I stopped.

He will never leave home because he hasn’t got the courage to.

When all else fails, read the user manual.

It was Sam who paid for the drinks.

GFGFDGDF GFGFDGDF    3   31.03.2020 13:25    0

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